Sunday, May 13, 2007


Last night, thinking about Mother's Day, made me break down. I couldn't stop crying. So, I grabbed my rosary and thought to myself, who would better understand than Mary. So as I said the Hail Mary's and the rosary, I began to be physically sick. I was feeling like I was going to throw up and I had to grab the beads hard so they wouldn't slip out of my hands. My head this intense pressure in it. The slightest noise would distract me. I don't want to sound crazy but it was almost like someone didn't want me praying, or something. I went to Brian, crying, because it scared really scared me. I fell asleep with the rosary in my hand and thats how I woke up, (late for work I might add lol) with the rosary in my hand.

I don't know if that made a difference, but it made me feel safer. So as you celebrate this Mother's day and you think of all the wonderful things your mom has done for you. Think of Mary and what a wonderful mother she was to give up her ONLY son, to save us, so that we might all be able to go to Heaven.

So, Mary, Happy Mother's Day.



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